Moms. Bless you. Forever and ever. This is a full-time gig with no paid vacations and no sick leave. It requires that your attention and time are given to another with great care and great purpose. Your needs become secondary as you nurture and foster the life of another living being.

At Ahimsa Wellness Collective, we love to nurture the nurturers. We revere the spiritual journey that is Motherhood. Mothering with consciousness is a great undertaking. It is a moment to moment investigation in the development and evolution of humanity - your own and your child’s. Motherhood is beautiful, hard, messy and one of the most unique human experiences you can choose to navigate.

Self-care looks very different for each individual person. It is not always a glamorous practice - sometimes it is a glass of water, a handful of deep breaths, feeling your feet on the ground or in your shoes as you move with your little ones on to the next event. It is anything that allows you, even if for a brief moment, to bring your awareness back to your body. It is all of the ways that you give back to yourself no matter how seemingly small.

Incorporating acupuncture into your self-care regimen is the restorative pause that helps fuel you going forward. It gives you an opportunity to replenish your internal resources so that you can give from a grounded and generous place. It connects you to yourself, to your physical tissues and supports your nervous system in this journey of near constant stimulation.

For more information specific to how acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can support you in your journey through motherhood - from conception to labor and delivery and beyond - click the button below to schedule your free initial consultation.