If you interested in maintaining your health with non-toxic, non-addictive therapies that support the health of your organs and tissues, acupuncture and Chinese medicine is for you. Our clinic offers you a whole person, whole systems approach to maintaining health and promoting vitality. We utilize acupuncture therapy and Chinese herbal formulas to help you feel well in your body, physically supported and emotionally balanced.

So much of our society and culture revolves around productivity at the expense of our physical and emotional health. Health problems arise from repeated exposure to highly stressful events. Often times we are so used to high stress as a “normal” state that we do not think to pause and take care of ourselves. We are not culturally supported to seek the expertise of supportive professionals until after symptoms or systemic issues arise.

Utilizing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine not only helps when issues arise acutely or as a result of chronic stress, it is also very supportive as a means to prevent illness and promote a more efficient recovery when health issues do arise. Acupuncture works to promote the health of your physical organs, to relax the tissues, to support the endocrine and nervous systems. An acupuncture treatment (with or without adjunctive therapies like cupping, gua sha, herbs, etc) is the much needed pause and reset your system requires in order to balance the stress that is inherent to being a human.

To discuss your interest in utilizing acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine to promote health and to prevent illness, click the link below to schedule your free initial consultation today.