When your lung capacity is compromised, your whole system is on high alert. If you suffer from asthma or intense allergies, you know how imminently stressful it is when you cannot get enough oxygen. And when you experience these symptoms with regularity, either seasonally or daily, you feel the long-term impact of your system running in high gear while simultaneously experiencing intense energy depletion. Healthy respiratory function is essential to having enough energy to move through your day, do the things you need to do but also to have the energy to engage in the activities that you love to do.

Chronic persistent sinus congestion, post-nasal drip or chronic cough can be bothersome and very much detract from your quality of life. By applying the principles of Chinese medicine, we are able to reduce phlegm congestion, reduce inflammation and open the sinus passages and airways. We offer a non-toxic, all-natural, holistic approach in improving asthma and allergies.

For inquiries specific to your symptoms and experience or to learn more about how Chinese medicine can help, please click the button below.