Depression is immobilizing. Its physical and emotional density leaves you with little energy to engage with the people and activities you love. Access to joy feels acutely limited or chronically out of reach. The world feels hazy, cloudy or dull.

Depression can be a response to a chronically overstimulated nervous system. What started out as a heightened state of physical or emotional arousal comes crashing down as a means to conserve your vital energy and resources. Using acupuncture and Chinese medicine, we work to replenish your resources, improve your energy and bring your nervous system into a more regulated, more balanced state.

With the Chinese medicine paradigm, your emotional experience is not limited to the experience of your mind, it arises in physical symptoms, as well. If you suffer from depression, you might also notices sluggish digestion, muscle fatigue, headaches, chronic aches or low back pain. Together, we learn to listen to the language of the body as it gives us cues to identify how depression is manifesting and then to treat the persistent imbalances that keep you from feeling capable of moving through your depression.

in Chinese medicine, we also understand and account for the cyclical rhythms of the natural world. Many people in Wisconsin suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder or seasonal depression. Getting acupuncture with frequency throughout the seasons can change how we feel at a given time during the year. Each season flows into the next and so we find ourselves cyclically relating not only to our environment but to our relationships, our physical symptoms and our emotional states.

For questions specific to your experience of depression or to find out more about how Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help support your emotional and physical well-being, please click the link below to schedule your free initial consultation.